The way you conduct yourself during your divorce lays the groundwork for your recovery and life afterward. That’s why taking steps toward an amicable process helps you move forward.
Negotiate the terms of the divorce in good faith.
It can be helpful for you to gain an understanding of divorce laws related to property division and child custody. For example, retirement benefits might be viewed as marital assets; however, there is no obligation to divide future retirement savings. A court might order the division of benefits that would typically be processed by the retirement-fund administrator. This could allow each share to be managed independently.
Place the needs of your children first.
When children are involved, create a constructive parenting plan, and become a good co-parent even before your divorce case becomes finalized.
Child-rearing issues can be some of the most contentious matters along with their related financial arrangements, all while under the scrutiny of both parties, their lawyers, and the court system. In trying to avoid litigating every detail, an individual might suggest negotiating an agreement without the court to help save time, stress on everyone, especially the children, as well as avoiding fees. Collaboration or mediation could be alternative methods to simplify the process; however, proceed with caution should the opposing party seem to be making unreasonable demands.
It might be helpful to request the appointment of a temporary advocate or guardian to represent the needs of the children in a highly contentious case.
Maintain mutual respect.
Create an environment of mutual respect and dignity as you work through the terms of the settlement agreement. Maintaining mutual respect with a soon-to-be-ex might be challenging considering certain circumstances. With infidelity, abuse, addiction, etc., your overwhelming desire may be to hire a lawyer who would be ready to fight it out in court and win at any cost. However, lengthy court battles often only result in additional financial, emotional, and physical strain, so consider the entire cost of that path before proceeding. Try to enter the process with a shared desire to remain civil throughout the divorce. Though mutual respect might be challenging, it will spare you and any children from additional unnecessary anxiety throughout the proceedings.
Focus on the big picture.
Spouses could spend vast amounts of money in a high-asset divorce case adding more and more fees as they quarrel over minor matters. Your divorce lawyer could be helpful in streamlining the issues, ensuring that a fair settlement is proposed.
Contact Murfreesboro Family Law at (615) 890-3656 to discuss your case with one of our experienced and skilled attorneys. We are here to listen to every detail and we will work with you to form a strategic plan to meet your needs.